Monday, September 19, 2011

Do AgencySpy comments truly reflect the ad industry?

The other day, I was reading an AgencySpy article about the recent Fiat-Impatto saga. And when I finished the piece, I noticed that there were 120+ comments on the story, so I clicked on the link and spent quite some time reading the comments I found there.

All I can say is wow. Seriously. Wow.

Now I am not naive. I understand that under the cover of an anonymous user name, many people will say things that they'd normally never say.  And I am not terribly surprised that our industry is filled with bitter people spewing vitriolic and potentially damaging opinions whenever they get the chance. But I must say that I am stunned and horrified at what appears to be a pervasive issue in our industry.

Apparently, among all of the "industry luminaries" who comment on AgencySpy, not one knows how to freakin' spell.

I swear to you, it looked like something out of the Appalachian edition of Craigslist.

It's bad enough that we're raising an entire generation of people who read nothing but texts.  According to a recent Newsweek article, Americans between the ages of 13 and 17 send and receive an average of 3,339 texts every month.  Teenage girls average over 4,000.

What's more, 50.5% of those between the ages of 18 and 24 do not read books unless they are required for school or work. 50%!!


It appears that our children are now so fat and lazy, they can't even exercise their imaginations.

God help us all.


  1. The spelling thing makes me insane. You don't even have to know how to spell. Computers have spell checkers. What's even worse is when there's a misspelling in the legal disclaimer type. Okay, I have to put a cold compress on my forehead now.

  2. Ha! Appalachian Craigslist. Now that their must be sum goodd readin.

    Ima gonna check the personal services secshun right now!
