Friday, October 7, 2011

We all have to be Steve now

I'm rarely brought to tears at the death of a person I've never met. And yet this week, I've found myself tearful at several different moments over the death of Steve Jobs. 

So much has already been written about him and I don't plan to pile on with another litany of all the great things he did. From what I understand, he was very difficult to live with at times. But yesterday morning, I thought that if I'd been able to, I'd have given a year of my life to extend his for another month. And I would have done this for no other reason than, on my deathbed, I'd have been certain that I'd done at least one thing that had a remote possibility of changing the world.

Now you can argue that everything we do changes the world in some way by changing the lives of those around us. But compared to Steve Jobs, we ordinary folk operate on a minute scale. And I realize that the best thing I ever accomplish will never have the kind of effect that even his smallest achievement did. But dammit, I have to try. 

So today, let's all be geniuses. Let's be difficult and crazy and fly in the face of conventional wisdom and try to do something they say can't be done. And tomorrow, let's get up and do it again. To do anything less would be an insult to his memory.

Because the sad fact is, as of now, it's all up to us.

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